I’ve worked for some great companies, including:

  • Infraspeak: A SaaS company working in the Facility Management industry.
  • OpenCage: A geotech SaaS business.
  • WOAW: A leading personal branding agency.

Why me?

  • I’m flexible. I can learn a platform as a product copywriter, manage your LinkedIn, or basically do whatever you want with words.
  • I can write quickly. Getting ideas into clean language and onto paper isn’t hard for me.
  • I can work in several languages. I have a 1st-class degree in languages from Bristol University and have professional experience working in Spanish, Portuguese and French.
  • I write in your voice. Professional, casual, humourous… whatever you ask me for.
  • For unfiltered Toby … here’s my personal blog.

You know best, not me.

I’ve learned that copywriting, at its essence, isn’t about me or my opinions.

The best insights come from everywhere but my head you know your product better than anyone. Your clients know their pain points better than I do.

My approach is to listen, absorb and then, only then, write. I’m just here to help you get your ideas down on paper.

Something a bit random, something a bit fun.

Here’s a quick quiz based on some of my recent work:

1. Can you name a place in the world where you can be in 3 time zones at once?
2. What time zone is used in Antarctica?
3. Why is Spain one hour ahead of Portugal?

Answers here